Gambling Addiction Treatment Blog

Harmful Effects Of Gambling On The World Series

Written by Rick Benson | Oct 21, 2020 4:00:00 AM
Sports has the potential to be such a healthy experience for people, but when it comes to gambling on sports games, there are a few dangers to be aware of.
 The World Series is underway and it’s exciting for everyone. Players on both the Tampa Bay Rays and the LA Dodgers are playing the best they ever have in their careers.
During a big event like this, people will start checking the odds and placing their bets on who they think will win. It’s exciting but very harmful at the same time because if you’ve had issues with self-control in the past, this is a situation where vulnerability is at a high. This means you might really believe that a player will perform a certain way or a team will come out on top, which could lead you to completely forget about your responsibilities in life.
Remember the big picture and what is important
The World Series is temporary, it only lasts a few weeks. Your life goes on once baseball is over, once the excitement and emotions fade away.
It doesn’t really matter if Clayton Kershaw pitches the game of his life or if Austin Meadows hits a home-run. Sure, you can get excited in the moment - that’s completely natural. But when you put money down because of a fantasy of what the future might be, that’s when you get yourself in trouble.
The voice inside your head might be saying, “It’s okay do it this one-time, it’s the World Series, this only happens once a year…"
That’s the most harmful perspective you can take and creates a downward spiral that feels like it’s too hard to get out of. That is the voice which takes you too far.
That’s when you need to stop!
What is important is who you are after all the hype is gone. And who you are depends on the choices you make in the toughest of times. When you get that urge, make the call. You don’t need to succumb to the temptation - you are stronger than that.
It’s easier now than ever for someone to bet on games. You can easily download an app, load it with money and start betting. The society we live in doesn’t help when you see people being praised for doing harmful things like blowing money on the "big-game."
If you prepare yourself, knowing these temptations will be present, you put yourself in a much better position and will not base your decisions on old habits.
Enjoy your sports, but make sure you do so in a healthy way for you and your family. Need support during this time? At Algamus, we have over 27 years of dedicated and continuous service when it comes to gambling addiction treatment. Contact us today  for a free consultation.